Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Original Card

Now we have a small campaign that we should send cards to Dace Sultanov. However it is a little difficult to find a card in Japan, because we do not have such a culture in Japan.

Kassy-san, the lady I mentioned in this page a lot and one of my best friend, created a beautiful card and told us the key points of creating those cards in her blog.


She created a card with Origami crane with Japanese paper. She creates this card with praying for Alexei and his family.

Finally she gave us an advice for creating our own original cards. She mentioned that you should try to see Hallmark's homepage to find a good design if you do not know how to create an original card.

At the end of the article, she said that she listened to Alexei's CD "Sultanov Plays Chopin" at the night before and she was going to listen to his Rachmaninov Concerto on that night.

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